The Power of the Googles

Despite what the former Vice President Al Gore declared, the “Googles” (W. Bush reference for the internet) were developed by DARPA, not him. This advent, in it’s most early form, predates my tenure at the widely misunderstood government research group by some 25 years, but my generation was the first to grow up always having an online avenue; dial-up 300 bps BSB’s, which gave way to AOL 28.8k and then ISDN, cable modems, ADSL and even high speed fiber to the desktop.

Nowadays, the internet has become such an ingrained part of our daily lives, that we seldom remember it’s somewhat humble beginnings. The technological marvels that have come about in the last decade make my elders feel like their one of those red shirt dudes in the original Star Trek. 

For those who don't remember, they were the guys who always died in the first five minutes of the show. It basically sucked to be them, but my point is they were constantly being exposed to new life forms and new technology, which subsequently ate them.

Anyway, this technological revolution has permeated our cruising world with the use of single meter precision GPS, long range, high speed internet access antenna arrays, satellite phones and world wide, real time detailed weather prediction and storm tracking software.

I guess that was my point, and so here is what I wanted to show you. (Sorry, struggling for material this week)

I’ve been playing with this new, real-time weather tracking application that is free to use and works via a web browser, so it’s platform independent. I can access it via my Android phone, my Linux desktop and my Windows laptop.

This site is especially relevant this time of year as we are currently in the middle of hurricane season.

I’ve included the link below, which centers on where Dream Catcher currently is, but you can change the location to anywhere you want and you can also zoom in or out as desired. 

On some browsers it may be necessary to press the play button to start the animation, especially you poor, challenged Mac lovers.

Check it out here:,-74.707,4

More to follow, end of line….

P.S. – Today’s picture is of my brother when he visited last month.

Comments (6) -

Megacool weather site. Look out for Erika it's coming right for you!

Not to beat a dead horse, but Gore did not say he invented/created/developed the internet.
The following is the quote that was misrepresented by a political party that is very good at the art of the spin.

"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system."

What he was talking about is that, as the only congressman that saw the benefits of an internet, he pushed several initiatives thru congress that led to funding for the internet.
For more info, check out:

Stalkers United 26.08.2015 04:08:19

thanks for the weather commentary, but for those of us living in underground bunkers surrounded by boxes of survival food and stockpiled weapons, the weather doesn't matter so much.

You know, here is the deal.  I really appreciate informed and knowledgeable opinions.  What I have no tolerance for is other peoples bullshit guesses as to WTF is actually going on.  If you could please hold your comments to factual information it would be greatly appreciated.  I understand that you guys are politically retarded (read Democrat's). But I am OK with that.  I do not hold that against you.  I would just suggest that you do not advertise it.  No one wants to be associated with the subnormal group (moronic democrats) so do yourselves a favor and don't get into the whole political thing.  You have a blog about living on a boat.  Not about which party is in power.  OK?

miloWeasel 02.09.2015 12:36:43

Whoa. William if you've been reading along for any length of time, you know that no political affiliation, religious doctrine, social economic division or race/gender orientation is safe from my shot gun approach to humor.

However, if you and your sensitivities are offended, enraged or possibly endangered by the content of any of my blog entries, I will provide you a spoon, so you too can eat Milo's ass.


William--Um, just to be factual...having been married to Bozo for 15+ years, I can state that he is and always has been a registered Republican. Also, having read the only sentence in this entry that made passing reference to politics, I would argue it was actually a rip on Al Gore's (a Democrat's) purportedly and ridiculously taking responsibility for the creation of the internet (which another reader questioned in a nice show of fact-checking). That said, we run this website for free with no "donate" buttons or cheesy links to some Amazon affiliate account. So really, if we're sharing inside jokes with friend-readers or amusing ourselves at times rather than being adequately educational for your taste's, I guess you can give us a pay cut. Or stop reading. Because I really AM a liberal and it might be infectious. (My test scores have always been evidence against "retarded" or "moron"...but thanks for being so friendly.)

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